2020. So Far, Not So Good.
There are so many topics on which I would like to give you my opinion about, but the list is much too long. As my wife tells me "You have an opinion on everything". Well, yes, I do. I'm not saying I have all the answers, far from it. However, there is a public issue which I'd like to discuss with you.
Just this last weekend, over 70 public statues and/or monuments have been forcibly taken down, destroyed, vandalized, or defaced (Check out a list here) This is appalling. These people (and I use this term loosely) are acting like a bunch of children who didn't get their way and are have a temper tantrum. They get a mob mentality and lose all rational thought. Thankfully most of this chaos isn't local, although it could be.
First off, these items don’t belong to them, they belong to us the “people”. The same people that is on the preamble of the Constitution when it says “We The people…” These monuments and statues belong to the people of the community, of the State, of the Country. They have no right to deface history. They are vandals and are breaking the law.
That brings up my next point which is Why destroy history? By not seeing it doesn't make it not true or it didn't happen. Of the famous quote ‘Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.’ (George Santayana-1905) So by acting out this way and treating down reminders of history, their children and future generations will not learn from their predictors mistakes. Was slavery wrong? Was it a mistake? Absolutely. But removing all records of it taking place won't correct the problem and I suggest, it will only make it worse. This is because now we can't take our children and grandchildren to see history, to teach them about our past so they can learn from our forefather’s mistakes.
So that begs the question “What can I do about this travesty”? The sad part is not much. This is where I may lose you but hang on, the ride isn't over yet.
First of all you must do your civic duty and Vote. That's a big part of it but I don’t want you to vote for the candidate who promises to give you everything you ever wanted. All he is doing is buying your vote. Your better that that. Don't vote for the guy that has the slickest adds, or the best hair, and the like. Here’s a novel idea, vote for the candidate that has the best plan for the future, who can deliver on that idea, has morals similar to yours, and will take appropriate action against anyone who brakes the law.
In addition to voting we need to get involved personally. That is to get involved with civic activities. We can beat them with sheer numbers because it's only a small group of tyrants who are doing this. I'm sure that there are far more people who would rather demonstrate for change, like Dr. Martin Luther King said “Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals.” I think he would be applauded at what is going on. Dr. King had a great message of love and compassion and presented it such a graceful way.
Unfortunately, the damage has been done. Some of these statues and monuments can be repaired and when this is all blown over, they can be displayed once again for ALL to enjoy and learn the lessons of history, the good, the bad and the ugly.
Until we talk again.
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