Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Political Parties

The Republican Platform

            I whole heartedly agree with the Republican platform when it speaks about Abortion.  This is the number one reason why I became a member of the republican party.     

            The Republican platform states “The Constitution’s guarantee that no one can “be deprived of life, liberty or property” deliberately echoes the Declaration of Independence’s proclamation that “all” are “endowed by their Creator” with the inalienable right to life” (Republican Platform 2016).  I couldn’t say it any better but I’d like to elaborate. 

This statement echoes my personal beliefs as I think that abortion is wrong on any level.  A baby, a child, or an embryo is a human life and no one but the creator has the right to take that life away.  As the Declaration of Independence says “…ALL are endowed by their creator...” that would imply that there is a creator and as such, he is the one whom gives life (National Archives).  Life comes from God almighty and not parents, nor a test tube, or a big bang.  Because life comes from God, it is wrong for someone to decide to take that life.  That would make us higher than God.  I don’t think so.  

One of the duties of the government to protect its citizens, especially those who cannot protect themselves.  The Republican party recognizes this and addresses it whereas the Democrats turn the unborn child into a pawn for the mother to use to defend her “rights”.

The Democrats are as opposite as night and day on this topic.  They don't acknowledge any form of “higher being” because to them, Government is the higher being, so because of this, they have no moral code by which to guide them in their decisions.  They advocate abortion on demand, at any time, and want the taxpayers to pay for it (Party Platform 2016).  They are only concern with the mothers “right to choose”.  To them the baby isn’t really a life until it is born and even then, it’s questionable. 

The Democrats are hypocritical when they say in their platform “…defend the constitutional principles of liberty and equality for all, and will protect a woman’s right to safe and legal abortion” because when they say equality for all its only for women who vote Democrat (Party Platform).

I don’t think there is a way to compromise with the Democrats. I do want the members of Congress to take the high road and find a solution that both sides can agree with.  I don’t think the courts should be de facto writing laws from the bench.  The Congress should take up this issue and settle it based on their constituent's beliefs.  We all know where this is going because no politician wants to take on this hot potato.

To sum it up, the government's role is to protect ALL if it’s citizens, regardless of their size or condition.  This was so important to the founders that they put this into the Declaration of Independence when it says “...Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (National Archives).   I feel that abortion violates the essence of the Constitution and I think the founders would be disappointed with us. 



Republican Platform 2016 https://prod-cdn-static.gop.com/static/home/data/platform.pdf?_ga=2.43696166.204372641.1597558173-1924827778.1597558173

Party Platform. The 2016 democrat Platform. www.democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/

National Archives. America’s Founding Documents, Declaration of Independence: A transcription.  www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript 

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