Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Post 11: Arrangement of Texts/Emails.

Managing Emails

The 20th century saw an explosion in technology.  One of the most influential was the invention of electronic mail or more commonly referred to as “Email”.  Although this has crippled the Postal Service, it has drastically expanded our ability to communicate by making writing and sending messages so simple and convenient.  As a result of this, email platforms have evolved into a user friendly interface between the user and the internet.  Programmers have made this interface much better sense the first email systems came to be by packing them with features that make this interface seam seamless.  Below is an example of my Gmail page. You can see that Google adds other ways to organize the emails by adding additional folders specifically “Social”, “Promotions”, “Updates”, and “Forums”.  They also will inform you if you have any Unread” mail.  They do this by adding a colored box by the specific folder.  Below is an example of this in my “Promotions” folder.


Emails are arranged in several folders. These folders are based on what the system thinks is the proper folder to place the email based on such items as the Subject and/or the sender.  You, the user, can override this for only this email by manually moving the Email to the new folder.  You can tell the system to move all of the emails from a specific sender by clicking a star or flag in the header or information section of the email.  Some email systems allow the user to further organize in other ways by clicking on the column header.  Some examples of this are; alphabetically by sender, chronologically by date received, by the size of the email, or lesser used criteria like if the email was flagged as "Important" or if it has an attachment.  It is up to the user to determine how they want them displayed and thus organized.

Attachments are one of the best features of emails.  This is the ability to send an email with something else like a picture, video, or even another document like a spreadsheet.  Previously you would have to print out the document and Stuff it into the already small envelope, add sufficient postage and finally place it in the mailbox.  You can do the same thing with just a few clicks of the mouse and best of all, it’s free.

I wouldn’t say the possibilities are endless but the tools that are part of the system interface make organizing emails much easier than what it would have been with paler files.  You can manage just a few emails per week to hundreds a day with relative ease.  Got to love the age in which we live.

Until we talk again.


  1. Thanks for writing about email. While I did write about texting, at a past job of mine, my colleagues and I communicated through emailed primarily. Maybe it was because it was more professional and because you could accomplish more in an email.

  2. I liked how you chose to write about your email instead of text messages. But, I would like to know how you personally organize your email. I allow my mos important to be in a separate section at the top instead of mixed in with all my other mail.


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