Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Post 12: A recent argument by a politician that is illogical.

What Did They Say?

I do not envy English Proffers, writing professors in particular.  They have to come up with new writing assignments that will engage their students but not make the subject to broad nor to narrow.  My writing professor asked the class to write about a recent argument by a politician that is illogical.  I think I would have had a smaller list of things to write about if I were to discuss the meaning of life.  This is an election year with the top job at stake.  The political crap is being flung with intensity of a super nova.  How do I narrow it down?

The topic that I would like to bring up is the wearing of masks in public businesses or public transportation.  The police will throw you to the ground if you even dare dispute its legality or other implications.  However, if you are protesting, its ‘A OK”. What?  

Case in point, Democratic New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said this about citizens on lockdown due to the Corona virus "I don't think it's too much for people to be asked to wait until they get the all-clear to do the thing that's safe, to do the thing that's healthy because these numbers, these are about human lives."  In other words he is telling people that he will let you know when you can leave your home .

When the protesters came to protest the police, he “made an exception for protesters but maintained lockdowns and curfews for New Yorkers who were not protesting, looting or rioting” (Epshteyn).

I think this is an example of “Ad verecundiam” which means an appeal to authority.This is a type of   He is telling people that he is Mayor and what he says is the final word.  

He could have done several things differently like allow businesses to reopen or put a tighter rein on the protesters but no.  Even his own daughter was arrested during the protest.  (I bet daddy was proud.)

These are crazy times in which we live.  My advice is to always listen with a critical ear and check the fact checkers.

Until we talk again.

Epshteyn, Boris. Democrats' Hypocrisy on Riots Reveals Political Nature of Coronavirus Lockdowns, Newsweek, 12/6/2020, accessed 15 Jul 2020

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